Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Getting back to it!

Wow. It's been awhile. I just joined "Twitter" and it has sort of inspired me to start back on my blog. A lot has changed since my last entry but I will try to catch -up quickly. I entered a contest to find a new morning radio personality at Mix 102.9 in Gadsden and to my surprise I actually won it! So now I get up at 5 a.m. everyday (for those of you who know me that is VERY VERY early for me) and wake up the Coosa Valley! ha. I really love it and hope to get a lot of opportunities to meet tons of wonderful people. I really have always wanted to volunteer but never seem to make the time to do it. A big part of this new job will be volunteering in the community so I hope to get my fill on that! My first remote is this Friday and Saturday for the Red Cross Blood Drive! Oh and by the way before I go anyone reading this really needs to join me on "Twitter." I have sort of become an advocate for it! Promise to do better on keeping my blog more up-to-date!

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